Darkness (King Herod) ordering the death of all the stars (children) at dawn in an attempt to destroy the birth of the Sun (Jesus) which conquers darkness. |
1907 book by Lyman E. Stowe |
Solar Mythology and the Jesus Story
A Primer on Astrotheology
- Introduction
- The Story of Jesus
Recommended Books to Read
In ancient times people were very familiar with the Sun and the stars. At night they had
nothing better to do than gaze up at the stars. They saw how the stars move across the
sky during the night, and how different constellations are visible at different times of
the year.
They made up stories which were allegories based on what they saw. Later on,
these stories took on a life of their own, as the stories were passed down from
generation to generation but the knowledge of what the stories represented was lost.
People started believing the stories were real and actual history of events that actually
really happened in the past, when originally the stories were nothing more than
allegories for what people saw happening in the stars.
The ancients looked to the sky to determine what time of year it was. It was important to
know what time of year it was. You needed to know when it was time to plant crops and
when it was time to harvest the crops. As the year passed the Sun appears to make a
journey through the constellations of the Zodiac. The entire story of Jesus’
ministry is an allegory for this journey.
“The name of Bishops, retained to this day,—the Episcopacy,
the Diocese, the See, are all derived from that function of
seeing, or looking out, to observe the phenomena of the visible
heavens, which was their appointed duty.”1.
According to the current theory, humans were first hunter/gatherers, then they
organized and became farmers—and this is where religion comes in. In order to farm
you need to be aware of the seasons of the year; you need to be able to communicate to
others your ideas; and you need to be able to pass down to the next generation the
knowledge you've accumulated—hence “The Book”. You also have to
have faith that this farming technique will work and you will be rewarded for your
efforts with a bountiful harvest in the future.
If this theory is correct then ancient Religion was archaic science
and modern science is our new religion.
It's not surprising in our present culture of digital watches and wall calendars that
we've lost the original astronomical meaning of these Bible stories. Today most people
never look at the stars or pay any attention to the position of the sun in the sky.
The following is the result of my intensive investigation into the Bible, its contents,
origin, history, and everything that modern day biblical scholars know. Surprisingly,
the link between Solar Mythology and the Bible was known over two centuries ago.
(See History of Research into Solar Mythology and the Bible.)
There are three distinct theories on who Jesus was:
- Deity: Jesus was the son of God who came to earth in human form.
- Evemerism: Jesus was a man who was later deified.
- Myth: Jesus never existed. The whole story is a myth.
1. It's inconceivable that during the alleged time of Jesus no one
bothered to write down anything about this most extraordinary
person, yet the extensive historical record of that time makes no
mention of Jesus.
2. The motif of a crucified savior God who dies and is resurrected
already existed in many other religions prior to the alleged time
of Jesus. The parallels between Jesus and these other preexisting
religious saviors were so strong that early church fathers resorted
to the desperate claim that the Devil had deviously copied the true
story of Jesus before it actually happened in an attempt to mislead
the gullible.
3. Jesus begins his one year ministry by visiting John who baptizes
with water. The Sun begins its yearly journey by visiting Aquarius,
the water bearer. Jesus leaves John, who is put in prison, and
visits Simon and Andrew, two fishermen. The Sun leaves Aquarius,
who goes below the horizon, and visits Pisces, the two fish. The
remarkable parallels continue.
Jesus, who never existed, whose story existed prior to his alleged
time, is a personification of the Sun, which dies in Winter and is
resurrected in Spring, saving us from the evil of cold and
darkness. The story is an allegory misinterpreted as
- There is an immense lack of historical evidence that Jesus ever existed.
- Crucified Saviors existed in many religions prior to the alleged time of Jesus.
- The Story of Jesus' one year ministry is an Astronomical Allegory for the Sun passing through the Zodiac each year.
Solar Mythology as the Origin of the Jesus Story Explained
“The Sun shall from the grave arise,
And tread again the summer skies.”
The following lessons explain basic concepts of observational astronomy and then
show the striking parallels between the Jesus Story and the Sun's annual passage
through the Zodiac and the changing seasons of the year.
- Day <—Click here to begin
- Night
- Day and Night, the eternal struggle
- Heaven and Hell
- High Noon
- Sundials
- Latitude of the Holy Lands
- The Northern Hemisphere
- Earth's Precession
- Our Yearly Calendar
- The Constellations Don't Look Like What They're Named
- The Seasons of the Year
- The Celestial Sphere
- Sunset
- The Sun Travels Along the Ecliptic
- Ascertaining the Time of Year
- When Does The Year Begin? <—Here we begin our parallel of the Jesus Story to the Solar Myth
- Age 30
- Aquarius
- Temptation to be Lazy
- Aquarius put in Prison
- Pisces
- Aries, the lamb that takes away the sins of the earth.
- Pisces & the Christian Symbol of the Fish
- Spring Calms the Storm
- Taurus
- Aquarius Beheaded
- The Sun Walks on the Water
- The Summer Solstice
- Summer Time
- Recap
- Virgo: Harvest Time
- Libra: The Scales of Justice
- Scorpio (Judas)
- Sagittarius (Pontius Pilate)
- (Rest of Lessons are Under Construcion)
- Matthew Chapter 2 — The Birth of Jesus
- Scripture Which Suggests Jesus is the Sun
- Vertical vs. Horizontal thinking
The New Testament was originally written in Greek.
We start with an example of how much can be lost in translation.
We follow with a detailed walk through the book of Matthew, showing how the
entire story as a whole is an allegory originating from Solar Mythology.
Are we doomed to endure a meaningless existence, with no moral compass to
guide us? Not necessarily.
“God does not need me or the church to defend God. Any God that I have to
defend is a pretty weak God it seems to me, and any God the church needs to
defend. I'm always amazed at religious people who somehow think I have the
power to destroy God. The only power I might possibly have is the power to
raise questions about their limited understanding of God. And if they've
identified their limited understanding of God with all that God is, then it
feels to them as if I'm destabilizing belief in God itself. I don't have that
power. I certainly don't have that ability.”
—Bishop John Shelby Spong
(Bishop Spong Speaks Out: Sept. 11 and Death of God, the Father / the Bishop & the Cosmologist)
A new concept of God is emerging, one more compatible with our current
knowledge of reality. God has moved to a new location. To understand this new
concept of God, read this brief history of God.
There are two distinctly different forms of Christianity. One is doomed because
it conflits with reality. The other has a chance of surviving, because it focuses
on the message, rather than the messenger.
Our moral compass has always been within us, given to us by evolution.
There's no other way we as a species could have survived.
“The need to share our painful experiences is a fundamental part of our
humanity. If you look at our religious texts, at the threads that have
survived thousands of years, shared experiences of despair are woven
throughout. One of the most fundamental questions that religions seek to
address is why we suffer, and what we can do about it. Although we may feel
alone in our dark moments, these texts can be a source of comfort and power
for people because they remind us that whatever we are going through, human
beings have been wrestling with despair for as long as we have been around.”
—Rev. Julia Hamilton, sermon August 25, 2013, Misery Loves Company (given 3 days after she officiated my wife’s funeral)
Joseph Smith looking into the hat to read the gold tablets. |
Recommended Books to Read

Older Obsolete Essays:

Website of Archarya S, author of the books: |

It's dirtier than Hustler, more violent than The Sopranos .... it's
pretty impressive for an
illustrated Bible made entirely of Legos.
Brendan Powell Smith has spent the past four years staging and photographing particularly
intense biblical scenes in the living room of his home. The thirty-two-year-old son of an
Episcopalian Sunday-school teacher is an avowed atheist, but he insists his project is
meant to explore the Scriptures, not mock them. "My version of Noah's Ark focuses a
little more on the people who didn't make it onto the boat."
See more at The Brick Bible.
“Myth is Other People's Religion” (www.mythbytes.com)
A site by Maria Shaune which no longer exists, so I preserved it here:
Last Update: October 30, 2020