For a more recent essay on this topic see Solar Mythology and the Jesus Story Explained
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[Part of another letter explaining the Jesus story. Presented here as a temporary explanation until I complete a better one.]
October 11, 2002

A comedian once mentioned that according to the Bible, Jesus had two brothers. “Wouldn't it be awful growing up and having Jesus as your brother? Your mother would always be saying, ‘Why can't you be more like your brother Jesus? He's the Messiah. He's perfect in every way. You, you've got to try harder.’”

Actually the real shocker is when you dig into history, as I've been doing for the past two years, and discover that outside the Bible there isn't a single reference to Jesus anywhere in recorded history for that time. Many people alive at that time wrote extensively about everything that happened, and yet there is not a single reference to Jesus anywhere in all this wealth of first hand accounts.

Bible Then you examine when the Bible itself was written, and discover that the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John; the four books detailing the life of Jesus) are not to be referenced in any writings until the later half of the second century, a full 140 years after it allegedly happened. Even the Catholic Church admits a date of 70A.D. for the earliest Gospel, a full 40 years after the alleged event. [They have to because a certain passage in Mark could not have been written prior to an event that happened in 70AD.](The Catholic Bible, approved by the Pope himself with his signature on it, claims Mark was written in 70A.D.) Bible Scholars claim the Gospels were written in 170A.D. because there is no reference to them by anyone prior to that time, especially by certain people who definitely would have included references to them had they existed.

Orpheus The second shocker about Jesus is learning that there existed long prior to the alleged time of Jesus many other religions with identical stories of a crucified savior. Early Christian apologists admitted this and explained it away as the work of the Devil. Their general argument was, "What better way to for the Devil to combat our True Religion than for the Devil to have previously created a whole bunch of false religions identical to our True Religion."

Solstice The third shocker, the one I am currently working on further unraveling and explaining on my web site, something which very few people have ever realized, and which you now are privy to this explanation, is the discovery that the whole story of Jesus, as well as the stories of all the other crucified saviors prior to Jesus, is an allegory for the Sun's annual journey through the Zodiac and the passage of the seasons of the year. This explains why all these stories are essentially the same. (Notice how the cross is the symbol that divides the four seasons of the year.)

Here is a brief explanation:

The Bible story then says, "After John was put in prison,..." (Mark 1:14) Suddenly John the Baptist is "put in prison." There is no further explanation in the Bible, which seems quite strange if John were a real person. We want to know why he was "put in prison." What crime was he accused of? Who threw him in prison? Was there a trial? Did Jesus attend the trial and speak on his behalf? No. Nothing more is said. Jesus just continues on his journey.

This is all very strange and hard to understand as a story of real life events, but it all makes perfect sense when understood as an astronomical allegory. The Sun, personified as Jesus, is in Aquarius, personified as John the Baptist. As the month progresses, and the earth continues it annual revolution around the Sun, the Sun appears to move out of Aquarius and into Pisces, the two fishes, and Aquarius at sunset ends up below the horizon. John the Baptist being put in prison is merely an allegory for the constellation Aquarius at sunset moving lower and lower until it is below the horizon at the end of the month and can no longer be seen. It requires no further explanation because it is a natural phenomenon. It is simply what happens.

We celebrate Easter. East-er, when the Sun rises directly in the East. Easter is defined as the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox, when the Sun rises directly in the East. We celebrate the crossing of the Sun over the equinox, when the days and nights are of equal length. A Crossification, or crucifixion. Jews celebrate "Passover" at this time, when the Sun "passes over" the equinox. From now on the days get longer, the Sun goes higher in the sky, and the crops begin to grow.

About half way through the story of Jesus an interesting thing happens. John the Baptist reappears and is beheaded. "he has risen from the dead!" says Matthew 14:2 Recall at the beginning of the allegory how Aquarius moved below the Western horizon at sunset as the year went from January to February and the Sun traveled from Aquarius to Pisces. Each zodiac constellation in turn goes below the horizon at sunset as each month passes. After six months the constellation of Aquarius begins to rise on the Eastern horizon at sunset. And it appears that the head of Aquarius is cut off by the horizon. This is John the Baptist rising from the dead, the dead being those who are below the earth. This is John the Baptist being beheaded.

The Zodiac is divided into twelve "houses." Each "house" contains one of the twelve Zodiac constellations. The "house" containing Virgo is known as the house of bread, because it's the house the sun is in during harvest time. Bethlehem is a word which can be found numerous times in the Old Testament. It is a Hebrew word. Actually it is two Hebrew words. Beth-lehem. Pronounced in Hebrew, "bayth leh'-khem". "bayth" is literally "house", and "leh'-khem" is literally "bread". Thus "Bethlehem" is literally "house of bread." It is a reference to the Zodiac "house of bread", which is where you will find Virgo, the celestial virgin. At the alleged time of Jesus there was no town on earth known as Bethlehem. Bethlehem was then known not as a town on earth, but a reference to a time of year — harvest time.

Virgo is the virgin that gives birth to the Sun each year when it passes out of her. She is the one who gives birth and yet remains always and forever a virgin. (The way Virgo is traditionally drawn on the planisphere the Sun passes out of Virgo between her legs). Farmers who till the fields are said to be wedded to this celestial virgin for which they wait for each year. Thus they are known as "husbandmen," and their tools such as tractors are know as impliments of husbandry. The DMV vehicle code book has a special section titled, "Impliments of Husbandry" which cover these vehicles.

Continuing with our story:

In the Jesus story we then have the Last Supper, when we eat the harvest. It is the end of harvest season -- it is the Last Supper. We eat the flesh of the fruit, figuratively the flesh of Jesus, the Sun, which make the fruit grow, and drink the blood of the grapes, figuratively the blood of Jesus, the Sun, which made the grapes grow. Without this food we would perish.

Jesus is handed over to Herod — a personification of Night. (See Matthew Chapter 2—The Birth of Jesus [this site]) Herod, or the darkness of Night, is taking over Jesus, the Sun, as the days get shorter and shorter in Autumn and darkness begins to reign.

Jesus is handed over to Pontius Pilate. "Pontius" is literally "of the sea", a reference to the sea of stars above. "Pilate" is literally "armed with a spear". Pontius Pilate is a personification of Sagittarius, the last constellation the Sun passes through during the last month of the year, Nov. 22 - Dec. 21, and the last person Jesus sees in the story. Sagittarius is a man on a horse with a bow and arrow. He is the man armed with a spear. The days get shorter and shorter as the year comes to a close. Things look dark and gloomy. What will happen to our savior, the Sun, who makes the harvest grow? Will he disappear forever?

Jesus is crucified and placed in a cave. It is the end of the story. A sad ending. But have faith. Jesus, the Sun, will arise again — a new year will begin. Three days after Jesus is placed in the cave he will arise again. This is the prophecy.

On Christmas day, December 25, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. December 22 was the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, when the Sun was at its lowest. Three days later, on December 25, the sun rises 1/10 of it's width farther north — just barely detectable by carefully observing the shadows cast at sunrise. Our savior, the Sun, has been reborn, to begin the cycle of the year and the cycle of life again.

Originally Jesus was said to have been born in a cave. The Catholic Encyclopedia (1910) article on "Bethlehem" says, "The tradition of the birth in a cave was widely accepted, as we see from Origen's words about a century later: — In Bethlehem the cave is pointed out where He was born, and the manger in the cave where He was wrapped in swaddling clothes, and the rumor is in those places and among foreigners of the Faith that indeed Jesus was born in this cave —. (Contra Celsum, I, li.) It is reproduced also in the apocryphal gospels (Pseudo-Matt., xiii, ap. Bonaccorsi, op. cit., 159-163; Protevang. of James, xvii sqq., Bonaccorsi, 155-159; Gospel of the Infancy, II-IV, Bonaccorsi, 163-164)." [See Eusebius's Life of Constantine, lib. 3, chs xl, xli, and xlii.(offsite)] [Also see Matthew Chapter 2—The Birth of Jesus (this site)]

Hence the story is circular, just as the years are circular. A new year begins after the old year ends.

Father Time Baby New Year On New Years Eve we personify Father Time and Baby New Year, but we know these two figures aren't real people, they are merely personifications of the passage of time and the beginning of a new year. The current year is old and finished with. A new year is about to begin. The moment the Old Year ends a New Year begins. The cycle of life is circular and never ending.

In the Gospel story of Jesus, after his resurrection the story ends. People have always asked what did he do after that? Why does the story end here? Why isn't the rest of his life chronicled? — The reason is, if you want to read the continuation of the story, turn back to page one. The story is circular. Three days after Jesus dies and is placed in the cave he is born again, and the story begins anew.

In church it is customary to begin reading through one of the Gospels at the beginning of the year. Each Sunday we take the next chunk of the story and read it and the pastor makes a sermon on it, never realizing that the story is an allegory for the passage of time, the seasons of the year, which we ourselves live and experience, as we live our lives, dependent on the Sun for light and for food.

"In a world in which any moments of rest, celebration, meditation — the festivals of any religious tradition or spiritual orientation — are often seen as "a waste of time" because they detract from productive work, it is crucial to remind ourselves that work is not the only valuable behavior. Doing, making producing, must be part of a rhythm in which being also has its place. This is the ultimate message of the seasons of our joy: that there is joy in the seasons themselves, in our very decision to join in noting them, in celebrating them, in walking the spiritual path — the spiral — that they make."     — Arthur I. Waskow, Jewish Scholar (1985) (From the book Seasons of our Joy by Arthur I. Waskow)

The whole Bible is mostly astrological allegories. The reason the book of Revelation doesn't make any sense is because it's an astrological allegory. It makes sense when you start to interpret it in that manner. The Old Testament also originated as an astrological allegory. The story of Adam and Eve is the story of Virgo and Bootes, the constellation next to Virgo. The whole story of Moses is an astrological allegory. There is no evidence that any of it actually happened, and quite a lot of evidence that it didn't. So is the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors, the youngest and most favorite of twelve brothers. The number 12 again is a tip off that this is an astrological allegory of the 12 months of the year and the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

Not only that, solar mythology goes beyond the Bible and can be shown to be the basis of most of our oldest and most cherished folk tales and fables. Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Bean Stalk, Cinderella, Homer's Iliad and Oddysey — they all trace their roots back to solar mythology as astrological allegories. They are creative personifications of natural phenomenon.

There's a whole lot of answers to be found in this area of research, and hardly anyone is looking in this direction. There's not even a PhD I can obtain in this field because the department doesn't yet exist at any university. I'm really on the cutting edge doing research in a field that doesn't even exist yet.

Is there no problem which I can not solve? Someone ought to hire me and pay me lots of money to solve their difficult problems. I have the ability to dig in and find the answer. The Bible was a hard nut to crack, but I cracked it. There's a more thorough explanation of the Gospel story revealing it to be an astrological allegory at my web site, including animated pictures of the stars and constellations.

Outline of Jesus Story showing how it is an Allegory for the Sun passing through the Zodiac each year

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