Edward Gibbon irked by
Silence of the Contemporaries

Edward Gibbon, in the first volume of his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, circa 1776, expresses his irk that no contemporary writers wrote anything about the most extraordinary and most significant event in the history of man. Note Gibbon does not deny that Jesus existed and performed all those wonderful miracles of his, Gibbon is just extremely irked that no contemporary chroniclers mention anything about it. He writes:

"But how shall we excuse the supine inattention of the Pagan and philosophic world, to those evidences which were represented by the hand of Omnipotence, not to their reason, but to their senses? During the age of Christ, of his apostles, and of their first disciples, the doctrine which they preached was confirmed by innumerable prodigies. The lame walked, the blind saw, the sick were healed, the dead were raised, dæmons were expelled, and the laws of Nature were frequently suspended for the benefit of the church. But the sages of Greece and Rome turned aside from the awful spectacle, and, pursuing the ordinary occupations of life and study, appeared unconscious of any alterations in the moral or physical government of the world. Under the reign of Tiberius, the whole earth, or at least a celebrated province of the Roman empire, was involved in a preternatural darkness of three hours. Even this miraculous event, which ought to have excited the wonder, the curiosity, and the devotion of mankind, passed without notice in an age of science and history. It happened during the lifetime of Seneca and the elder Pliny, who must have experienced the immediate effects, or received the earliest intelligence, of the prodigy. Each of these philosophers, in a laborious work, has recorded all the great phenomena of Nature, earthquakes, meteors, comets, and eclipses, which his indefatigable curiosity could collect. Both the one and the other have omitted to mention the greatest phenomenon to which the mortal eye has been witness since the creation of the globe."

It does not occur to Gibbon, indeed it could not occur to anyone so indoctrinated in the Christian faith, the simple explanation that no contemporaries wrote about these things because they never happened.

[1] Edward Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776)
Volume 1. Chapter XV: Progress Of The Christian Religion. -- Part IX.
(Last paragraph of volume 1)
The book is available for download from Project Gutenberg

NEXT: Robert Taylor (1829) Demonstration That No Such Person As Jesus Christ Ever Existed

1.Deley (2003) Evidence that Jesus never existed
2.Edward Gibbon (1776) Irked by Silence of the Contemporaries
3.Robert Taylor (1829) Demonstration That No Such Person As Jesus Christ Ever Existed
4.Kersey Graves (1875) All History ignores Him
5.T.W. Doane (1882) Testimony of Josephus a Forgery
6.2 John (90 A.D.) Even in Biblical Times People Asserted Christ Never Existed
7.More Books, Web Sites, and Essays on the Non-Historical Jesus
1.Comparative Religion
1.Solar Mythology and the Jesus Story
2.Lessons on Solar Mythology and how it parallels the Jesus Story

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