Prescient Professors

An Army War College faculty study published before the invasion of Iraq makes frustrating reading today. Warning that "a war tactically and operationally won can still lead to strategic loss if post-conflict operations are poorly planned or executed," the February 2003 study predicted many subsequent events with uncanny accuracy. After an "initial honeymoon period," it warned that "long-term gratitude is unlikely and suspicion of U.S. motives will increase. The United States is deeply distrusted in the Arab World because of strong ties to Israel and fears that it control the region's oil." Instead of a healthy democracy, the professors forecast the emergence of parties "based on ethnic, religious, tribal and other factors," with their divisions exacerbated by armed militias. "An exit strategy will require the establishment of political stability which will be difficult to achieve given Iraq's fragmented population, weak political institutions and propensity for rule by violence," the study stated, predicting Iraqis would "take violent measures to hasten the departure of U.S. forces." "Merely toughening it out is not a solution," the war college faculty found, but neither was leaving. "The premature departure of U.S. troops could also result in civil war," they warned.

—Aviation Week & Space Technology. June 7, 2004. pg. 23

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