Corporate Power At Root of War Effort

Benito Mussolini defined fascism as the merging of corporations and state. Over the last 50 years corporations have become the ruling class of the United States.

Corporations aren't sovereign, but they write laws for their servants in Congress to approve. As we've seen over the last two years corporate greed has no limits.

The U.S. has overthrown numerous nations, and many times the agenda was to assure corporate access to foreign natural resources. We clearly understand that the war on terrorism is a feint to seize foreign oil for corporate domination and profit.

Osama bin Laden is alive but no longer the main event, and the goal has switched back to the agenda of seizing resources for corporate exploitation.

"The Ugly American" seems ever more relevant than when the book was first published in 1958. The U.S. has thousands of troops stationed and fighting throughout the Middle East. With the call-up of reservists, one can anticipate the draft will return when War against Iraq starts and chaos is unleashed.

One has cause for alarm because the ruling class of every nation has historically defended or expanded its wealth at the expense of common man's blood.

-James Murr
Santa Maria, CA January 14, 2003