"A brain imaging study published in Current Biology revealed that those who lean right politically tend to have a larger amygdala — a structure that is electrically active during states of fear and anxiety."5
"greater liberalism was associated with stronger conflict-related anterior cingulate activity"6
"If you have a larger or more active anterior cingulate, you may experience greater empathy, and you'll be far less likely to react with anger and fear."7
"The anterior cingulate plays a major role in lowering anxiety and irritability, and also enhances social awareness"8
"The anterior cingulate allows you to experience God as loving and compassionate. It decreases religious anxiety, guilt, fear, and anger by suppressing activity in the amygdala."9
"Activities involving meditation and intensive prayer permanently strengthen neural functioning in specific parts of the brain that are involved with lowering anxiety and depression, enhancing social awareness and empathy, and improving cognitive and intellectual functioning. The neural circuits activated by meditation buffer you from the deleterious effects of aging and stress and give you better control over your emotions. At the very least, such practices help you remain calm, serene, peaceful, and alert. And for nearly everyone, it gives you a positive and optimistic outlook on life.10
Thus, meditation creates Progressive Liberals.
This is my attempt to understand Conservatives. I myself am a progressive, though I don't know why. I'm also an INTP 'Rational' knowledge seeker.
My goal is to understand people who have a different worldview. Supposedly we all live in the same world, but different people have in their minds different models of the world and how the world works. We need these models in our minds so we can make decisions about what to do and how to interact with the world. But our models differ even though we all live in the same world. That's fascinating to me.
I used to think a person's worldview was just their opinion, but now I'm slowly realizing it's much more. A person's worldview is their belief of how the world works upon which they make all their decisions on what to do. A person's worldview is based on their entire life's experience; what they've seen, what they've been told, what they've read, everything.
I'm slowly beginning to realize even though we all supposedly live in the same world, we all create our own worldview, and it's quite possible for there to be many strikingly different worldviews which conflict with one another.
It's also psychologically traumatizing for a person to change their worldview. (If it wasn't people wouldn't have a solid worldview and they wouldn't be able to cope with the world, so I opine.) People can change their worldview; for example some Christians leave the faith and become non-Christians, but the change initially leaves them very unsettled. There is a period of adjustment they go through. Another example, I changed my worldview when I realized Santa Claus didn't exist. It was a big change to my worldview, and took some time to get used to (though not really traumatizing). Another example, I changed my worldview when I realized Jesus never existed. The whole story is a myth. I originally took the evemerist view that Jesus was a person whose story became embellished to the point he was made a deity. When I changed my worldview I was unsettled for about two months, even though I'm not a Christian.
So my goal now is to understand other people whose worldview is different from mine. Why is theirs different? Why do I have the worldview I have? Was I born with it? Did I learn it? At what age? Has it changed over the years? Where do other people get their worldview from? I have a "knowledge seeking" personality (INTP 'Rational') so I'm just compelled to ask these questions and seek out answers.
The quest to understand starts with the following book:
MORAL POLITICS: How Liberals and Conservatives Think
by George Lakoff.
Year: 1996 (2nd edition 2002). “Contemporary American Politics is about worldview. Conservatives
simply see the world differently than do progressives, and both often have a difficult time
understanding accurately what the other’s worldview is.” Lakoff explains
that Conservatives and Progressives have two very different concepts of Morality. This is
an excellent book for anyone wanting to understand the other side's point of view.
See a lecture given by George Lakoff at
This book takes work to understand, so
here is an outline of the main points in the book:
Two Concepts of Morality
In my recent studies I've discovered quite to my surprise
that according to George Lakoff there are two completely different concepts of Morality. One
is "Morality is Empathy;" we care about what hurts others. This is
the progressive view. The other is "Morality is Obedience;" to a set of
rules, such as a list of sins you're not supposed to do. This is the
conservative view.
Now I've been struggling to understand this dichotomy. It occurs to
me that maybe children need a list of rules because they're too
young to understand Empathy, and as we grow into adults some of us
understand "Morality is Empathy" and switch to that, while others
for whatever reason cling to the set of rules and never grow up.
(This guess will probably prove to be wrong.)
Conservatives and Progressives make different assumptions about the nature of children
in particular and human beings in general.1
(Most of the following attributes are extracted from Lakoff's book) | |
“There are many other examples of DNA-mediated delight in activities tending toward adaptive fitness -- including parental love for children, joy in exploration and discovery, courage, camaraderie, and altruism.”—Carl Sagan, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, pg. 224
“In a laboratory setting, macaques were fed if they were willing to pull a chain and electrically shock an unrelated macaque whose agony was in plain view through a one-way mirror. Otherwise, they starved. After learning the ropes, the monkeys frequently refused to pull the chain; in one experiment only 13% would do so -- 87% preferred to go hungry. One macaque went without food for nearly two weeks rather than hurt its fellow. Macaques who had themselves been shocked in previous experiments were even less willing to pull the chain. ... By conventional human standards, these macaques -- who have never gone to Sunday school, never heard of the Ten Commandments, never squirmed through a single junior high school civics lesson -- seem exemplary in their moral grounding and their courageous resistance to evil. Among the macaques, at least in this case, heroism is the norm. If the circumstances were reversed, and captive humans were offered the same deal by macaque scientists, would we do as well?”—Carl Sagan, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, pg. 117
“Characteristically, [John Stuart] Mill had hit on an important question: Are people
inherently bad? Those who believe so have tended, like Samuel Smiles, to be morally
conservative—to stress self-denial, abstinence, taming the beast within. Those
who believe not have tended, like Mill, to be morally progressive, fairly relaxed about how
people choose to behave. Evolutionary psychology, young though it is, has already shed
much light on this debate. Its findings are at once comforting and unsettling.
“Altruism, compassion, empathy, love, conscience, the
sense of justice—all of these things, the things that hold society together, the
things that allow our species to think so highly of itself, can now confidently be said
to have a firm genetic basis. That's the good news. The bad news is that, although these
things are in some ways blessings for humanity as a whole, they didn't evolve for the
"good of the species" and aren't reliably employed to that end. Quite the contrary:
it is now clear that ever how (and precisely why) the moral sentiments are used
with brutal flexibility, switched on and off in keeping with self-interest; and how
naturally oblivious we often are to this switching. In the new view, human beings are
a species splendid in their array of moral equipment, tragic in their propensity to
misuse it, and pathetic in their constitutional ignorance of the
misuse.”—Robert Wright The Moral Animal: Why we are the way we are:
The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology.
“Children of authoritarian parents tend to lack social competence
with peers: They tend to withdraw, not to take social initiative,
to lack spontaneity. Although they do not behave differently from
children of other types of parents on contrived measures of
resistance to temptation, on projective tests and parent reports
they do show lesser evidence of "conscience" and are more likely to
have external, rather than internal, moral orientation in
discussing what is the "right" behavior in situations of moral
conflict. In boys, there is evidence that motivation for
intellectual performance is low. Several studies link authoritarian
parenting with low self-esteem and external locus of control.
“Whereas the parents of aggressive children tend to be
authoritarian, children of authoritarian parents may or may not be
aggressive, and so far the aspects of family interaction that are
important in determining whether a child of authoritarian parenting
will be subdued or "out of control" have not been satisfactorily
identified.”—(B2, Maccoby and Martin, p. 44, as quoted by Lakoff, pg. 354)
“The authoritative-reciprocal pattern of parenting is associated with children's being independent, "agentic" in both the cognitive and social spheres, socially responsible, able to control aggression, self-confident, and high in self-esteem.”—(B2, Maccoby and Martin, p. 48, as quoted by Lakoff, pg. 356)
“Single moms are stupid. Not all are stupid. But plenty are. Too many of them are stupid, lazy and selfish.”—Phil Luciano, columnist for the Peoria journal Star (Illinois) (9/20/05)
"I kind of see things in black and white terms. I know there's gray up here (pointing to her brain), but right here (pointing to her heart) I really see things as a struggle between right and wrong."—Nancy Grace, anchor, CNN Headline News, Colbert Report 1/9/06.)
Morality Is Empathy. Moral Action Is Nurturance.
prize faith over facts, to rely on the word of authorities rather than their own judgment, and to disregard arguments that run counter to their beliefs. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/daylightatheism/essays/thoughts-in-captivity/
One's thoughts should be set free to explore wherever they please, to examine one's beliefs from every angle, and even to consider the possibility that they are not true — because if they are true, they will inevitably stand up to reality and so there is no harm in asking the question. On the other hand, if they are not true, we should want to know that so we can replace them with something better.
In Aristotle's Ethics, it's clear that the ease and pleasure with which good acts are done, the absence of moral effort, is for him the symptom of virtue. (Osborne, pg. 25)
During the civil rights movement (1960's), white southerners worldview was that blacks could not be educated beyond a 6th grade education. Blacks were simply intellectually inferior. And blacks were happy with their lot. It was only those northerners who wanted to mess things up by forcing school integration. Putting blacks in white schools would only drag down the quality of education. Northerners worldview was that skin color has nothing to do with intelligence, blacks could be just as smart as whites. The black community carefully chose nine of their brightest students to integrate with the white school. What do we do with two conflicting worldviews? Obviously the southern worldview was wrong, as we now have numerous black college graduates who are very bright. Conflict boils down to a clash between two conflicting worldviews.
Don't pray in my schools and I won't think in your church.
"common sense rules of parenting that worked well in this country for generations" --Arthur Sido (Amazon.com)
"I can't watch most modern day cartoons with my kids without being thoroughly disgusted with the values and content. These classic episodes portray good vs evil kind of values." -- M. Stephens (Amazon.com)
"Doesn't your child deserve the same instruction and discipline that laid the foundations for generations of parents and grand parents to achieve in the face of despair and uncertainty, and ultimately build the greatest country in the world, The United States of America? Let someone else's kid be a guinea pig for "modern enlightened parenting". Relearn what has been forgotten." -- M. Stephens (Amazon.com)
In a day of widespread drug use, immorality, sexually transmitted diseases, vandalism, and violence... (Amazon.com)
"Every child needs boundaries and limits and they even crave it.." -- True only of SJ Guardian children? (Amazon.com)
"This book shows the perfect way to raise a child contrary to progressive & foolish ideas a child's spirit won't be broken instead it will teach them discipline, respect for law, authority & others in case you disagree just watch the news & see how must of criminals are young, *wake up America*" (Amazon.com)
"I think the permissive attitudes are what is wrong in the world
(particularly the U.S.) today." (Amazon.com)
Conservatives believe Progressives "want to give it away." (Whatever "it" is...)
Progressives see themselves as wanting to make it accessible to everyone, which is
not exactly the same as "giving it away."
I see conservatives as the ones who want to keep the status quo. So when slavery was
the status quo the conservatives supported slavery and wanted to keep it. No changes. Then
conservatievs wanted to keep racism. Conservatives were against women's liberation. And
now conservatives are against homosexuals. Conservatives don't want change. Progressives want
change for the better. Progressives fought hard to end slavery, end racism, give women the
right to vote, and are now fighting for gay rights. (It's not a choice. Homosexuals are
born that way.)
Of course I'm sure Conservatives don't define themselves this way, and Conservatives don't see Progressives the way Progressives define themselves.
"we are far more dependent on other members of our species that any other ape or monkey. We are more like ants or termites who live as slaves to their societies. We define virtue almost exclusively as pro-social behavior and vice as anti-social behavior. One of the things that marks humanity out from other species and accounts for our ecological success, is our collection of hyper-social instincts." I might add that this is exactly what the economist Joseph Schumpeter had in mind when he referred to capitalism as a naturally occuring spontaneous ordering, a concept anathema to the collectivist, group oriented, anti-individualist souls on the political left. Hence, they call Ridley a Thatcherite while ignoring the evidence of this book which leads to an understanding of the correctness of Schumpeter's inescapable conclusion. Mutual cooperation and trust on an individual level lead to far greater surpluses for all than any concentration of power laid in the hands of government bureaucrats.
Matt Ridley is all grown up, and what interests him in this book is not so much the
origin of virtue (although he does get heavily into that) but the restoration of the
conservative agenda. Alas. He argues from biology (our nature) to what ought to be
politically. This is doubly "alas" because Ridley preaches mightily against this very
delusion, calling it a "reverse naturalistic fallacy"
--Dennis Littrell (Amazon.com) on Ridley's "The Origins of Virtue"
The questions continue. I haven't figured it out yet...
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